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Lynn Rapsilber, DNP, APRN, ANP-BC, FAANP (Diploma in Nursing ‘81 St. Mary’s Hospital School of Nursing, BSN ’91 University of Connecticut, MSN ’98 University of Connecticut) graduated with a Doctorate in Nursing Leadership from Quinnipiac University, May 2016. She received the Benjamin and Juliette Trewin Award for Professional Leadership in Nursing. Dr. Rapsilber’s Portfolio Project “Reimbursement for Nurse Practitioner Services” was selected for presentation at the Eastern Nursing Research Society conference as a poster presentation. Dr. Rapsilber recently received the Quinnipiac Transformational Nurse Leader Alumni Award for 2017 and was the keynote speaker at the DNP hooding ceremony. She owns NP Business Consultants, LLC, disseminating information regarding reimbursement for nurse practitioners and other health care provider services. She is recognized as an expert on coding and documentation for APRNs. She has presented at local, state, and national forums. She is an author and educator of NP students and seasoned NPs.

Dr. Rapsilber also serves as the Co-Chair of the Connecticut Coalition of Advanced Practice Nurses. Under her leadership, full practice authority for APRNs in Connecticut was attained with the passage of PA 14-12. She is the former Connecticut State Representative and current Health Policy Chair for the American Association of Nurse Practitioners. She was inducted as a Fellow in the American Association of Nurse Practitioners. She owns NP Wellness Care, LLC providing Hepatitis C treatments at residential and addiction treatment centers. 

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